
Cation Exchange Column,Inner Diameter:4.6mm,Length:10mm,Capacity:0.2meq/g

Catalog Number ACMA00038958
Appearance Peptides, proteins,Non-porous packing type
Available Organic Solvent Concentration ≤20%
Cleaning&Preservation ·For routine cleaning, use 100% water to rinse 30 times the column volume for desalination, and then store it in a buffer.
·Use a high-concentration buffer salt solution (concentration is 5-10 times that of the mobile phase, but not more than 24M) to wash the strong retention of contaminants, and finally store it in a salt-free buffer.
Column Material Stainless Steel
Functional Group Sulfopropyl
Inner Diameter 4.6mm
Ionic Form Na+
Length 10mm
Mass Capacity 0.2meq/g
Maximum Flow Rate 3.0mL/min
Max Temperature Range Limited 5-45℃
Notice For Use ·Dissolve the sample in the mobile phase or a solvent of similar polarity. The sample solution should not contain any particulate matter, filter it with a membrane before adding it to the column.
·The pH value of the mobile phase is controlled at 2-32. All mobile phases are best prepared on the day of the experiment and filtered with a filter membrane.
·Do not drop or touch the ion column.
Packing Type Fully porous
Particle Size 2.7µm
pH Range 2-12
Pressure 20MPa
Storage Solvent 20mM MES buffer (pH5.6)
Usable Salt Concentration ≤1.5 M

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