
Brine Purification Resin


The production of essential materials such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC), paper, cellulose, disinfectants, and bleach relies heavily on fundamental chemicals like sodium hydroxide, chlorine gas, and hydrogen. These chemicals are predominantly produced through the chlor-alkali electrolysis of sodium chloride brine. The most advanced technology for chlor-alkali electrolysis in the world today is the ion exchange membrane method. The method operates under mild conditions, improving safety and reducing operational costs. In addition, compared with traditional methods, it also eliminates the use of mercury and significantly reduces the impact on the environment.

However, ion exchange membranes also have some limitations. They are very sensitive and can be easily damaged by impurities. In order to maintain the efficiency and service life of the ion exchange membranes, the purity of the feed brine must be very high. Therefore, precision cleaning of the brine with brine purification resins is critical. These resins can effectively remove impurities to ensure that the brine meets the strict quality requirements of membrane electrolysis.

Main Advantages

One of the primary advantages of using ion exchange resins in brine purification is their excellent selectivity and high efficiency. Modern ion exchange resins are engineered to have high capacity and selectivity for specific ions, allowing for effective removal of impurities even at very low concentrations. This high precision is crucial for maintaining the integrity of the membranes and ensuring the overall efficiency of the chlor-alkali electrolysis process. Additionally, ion exchange resins have a long operational lifespan and can be regenerated and reused multiple times, making them a highly cost-effective material for brine purification.

Our Products

At Alfa Chemistry, quality is our cornerstone. We have carefully developed the following two brine purification resins for our customers. Their excellent performance ensures the high purity of brine solutions.

Product NameBPR01 Iminodiacetic Acid Chelating
BPR02 Amino Phosphoric Acid Chelating Resin
Catalog NumberACIR-SIE057ACIR-SIE058
TypeMacroporous resinMacroporous resin
Functional GroupIminodiacetic acidAminophosphonic acid
Physical FormLight yellow opaque spherical beadsLight yellow opaque spherical beads
Ionic FormSodium formSodium form
Total Exchange Capacity≥2.0 eq/l (Na+ form)≥1.8 eq/l (Na+ form)
Moisture Retention55-65% (Na+ form)58-64% (Na+ form)
Particle Size Range(0.315-1.250 mm)≥95%(0.315-1.250 mm)≥95%
Whole Beads≥96%≥96%
Shipping Weight0.7-0.8 g/ml (Na+ form)0.7-0.8 g/ml (Na+ form)
Specific Gravity1.15-1.20 g/ml (Na+ form)1.10-1.20 g/ml (Na+ form)
Uniformity Coefficient<1.6<1.6
ApplicationsBPR01 is used in the secondary refining of salt brine to remove calcium and magnesium ions. It can also be used to extract precious metal ions in hydrometallurgy and to remove copper, nickel, cobalt and zinc in wastewater treatment.BPR02 can be used to remove calcium and magnesium ions from brine. In practical operation, the levels of calcium and magnesium are typically reduced to below 20 ppb.

Our commitment to innovation, sustainability and customer satisfaction makes us the ideal partner for you. Contact us today to learn more about our brine purification resins and how we can help you achieve your goals.

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