Ionic Resins for Wine Industry
Alfa Chemistry offers ion exchange resins for the wine industry. The instability of certain species in the winemaking process can affect the quality of wine, such as oxygen, polyphenols and certain metal ions, which not only affect pH, but also cause "browning" of the solution, one of the main winemaking problems faced by wine producers. Alfa Chemistry offers ion exchange resins to solve most of the problems in the wine industry and help our customers to improve the quality of their products.

The optimal pH of grape juice used to make wine should be less than 3.5, while grapes from most regions usually have a high pH. this is due to the presence of weak acids, tartaric and malic, in the grape juice. Tartaric and malic acids are mainly present in undissociated form; therefore, there are few free hydrogen ions(H+) in solution and the pH of the wine is relatively high. Also, high concentrations of potassium ions (K+) in juice and wine can lead to high pH.
Controlling pH during the winemaking process is essential to maintain quality during storage. A low pH can result in wines with enhanced red color, brightness and fresh fruit flavors, while a high pH can negatively affect the color and flavor of red wines. Ion exchange resins have been used to increase acidity and remove K+ from juice or wine.

The phenomenon of "browning" in wine refers to the continued oxidation of wine, the loss of aromatic freshness and the eventual appearance of deposits of coagulated phenolic substances. Given the proven involvement of metals in the browning of wine, their elimination can effectively reduce the potential for browning. The use of potassium hexacyanoferrate can eliminate some of the iron content and significantly reduce the content of other metals, but the use of this reagent has the potential to convert any excess cyanide into a highly toxic cyanide. Ion-exchange resins, on the other hand, can reduce the metal content of wine without altering its organoleptic properties and are widely used.

Kiwi wine has been popular since it was produced, but high acidity will cause the wine to taste too irritating, so it needs to be deacidified. The traditional chemical deacidification method is to add alkaline reagents to the wine. The advantage is that it is simple to operate and can reduce the acidity of the wine, but they will produce undesirable results. Ion exchange resins have been studied as an alternative method to remove citric acid from kiwi wine to reduce total acidity.
If you are interested in our products, please get in touch with us.