
Gel Ion Exchange Resin

Catalog Number ACMA00046411
Description It is a sort of cation exchange resin that has sulfonic group (-SO3H) in the styrene-diethylene benzene copolymer with 7% cross-linked degree. It is used mainly to soft hard water and produce pure water, as well as used in the hydro-metallurgy and sugar producing and medicine and nosodium glutamate industry, it can be used as catalyzer and dehydrating agent.
Appearance Palm yellow to burnt brown spherical grain
Capacity ≥4.50 mmol/g
Effective Size 0.400-0.700 mm
Ionic Form Na
Lower Limit Size (<0.315mm) ≤1.0
Moisture Content 45.00-50.00%
Particle Size Range (0.315mm-1.250mm) ≥95.0
pH Range 1-14
Shipping Weight 0.77-0.87 g/ml
Sphericity After Attrition ≥90.00
Swelling Upon Complete Conversion ≤10
Temperature Limited 120°C
True Density 1.250-1.290 g/ml
Uniformity Coefficient ≤1.60
Usual Flow Rate 15-30 m/h
Working Exchange Capacity ≥1200 mmol/L

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