
High Rigidity Agarose Ion Exchange Media


High rigidity agarose ion exchange media are a class of chromatography resins used to purify biomolecules such as proteins, peptides and nucleic acids. Compared to fast flow agarose ion exchange media, these media have higher rigidity, faster mass transfer rates, and greater tolerance. Depending on the particle size, our products are subdivided into high capacity and high flow media (HF) series and high capacity, high flow and high-performance resolution media (HPR) series.

Our Products

High Capacity and High Flow Media (HF) Series

High Capacity, High Flow and High-Performance Resolution Media (HPR) Series

Product NameAgarose SP HFAgarose CM HFAgarose DEAE HFAgarose Q HF
MatrixHigh rigidity agarose
LigandSulphopropylCarboxymethylDiethylaminoethylQuaternary ammonium
Ion ExchangerStrong cation exchangerWeak cation exchangerWeak anion exchangerStrong anion exchanger
Particle Size Range45-165 µm
Average Particle Size90 µm
Ionic Capacity140-200 µmol (H+)/ml90-120 µmol (H+)/ml290-350 µmol (Cl-)/ml160-220 µmol (Cl-)/ml
pH Stability4-12 (long term), 3-14 (short term)2-12 (long term), 2-14 (short term)
Maximum Flow Velocity1000 cm/h
Operating Pressure≤0.5 MPa
Chemical StabilityStable to all commonly used buffers: 1 M NaOH, 8 M urea, 6 M guanidine hydrochloride, 70% ethanol. Avoid using oxidizing agents, cationic detergents, and cationic buffers.Stable to all commonly used buffers: 1 M NaOH, 8 M urea, 6 M guanidine hydrochloride, 70% ethanol. Avoid using oxidizing agents, anionic detergents, and anionic buffers.
Storage Conditions4 to 30 °C, 0.2 M NaAc, 20% Ethanol4 to 30 °C, 20% Ethanol4 to 30 °C, 20% Ethanol
ApplicationThis series of products are suitable for the separation and purification of all charged biological molecules such as proteins, peptides and nucleic acids.

*If the specifications of our products do not meet your requirements, we can also provide you with customized services.

Product Characteristics

  • High pressure resistance, ultra-high flow rates, and increased productivity.
  • Fast mass transfer.
  • Excellent compatibility, suitable for initial capture or purification of biomolecules of various sizes.
  • The purification process is flexible and can be combined with hydrophobic chromatography.
Product NameAgarose SP HPRAgarose DEAE HPRAgarose Q HPR
Catalog NumberACIR-IEC005ACIR-IEC006ACIR-IEC007
MatrixHighly cross-linked agarose and celluloseHighly rigid agaroseHighly cross-linked agarose and cellulose
LigandSulphopropylDiethylaminoethylQuaternary ammonium
Ion ExchangerStrong cation exchangerWeak anion exchangerStrong anion exchanger
Particle Size Range25-45 µm
Average Particle Size37 µm
Ionic Capacity180-280 µmol (H+)/ml110-160 µmol (Cl-)/ml180-250 µmol (Cl-)/ml
Binding Capacity100 mg Lysozyme/ml media-120 mg BSA/ml media
pH Stability3-14 (short term), 4-12 (working), 4-12 (long term)2-14 (short term), 2-12 (long term)2-14 (short term), 2-12 (working), 2-12 (long term)
Maximum Flow Rate300-400 cm/h (0.4 MPa)400 cm/h300-400 cm/h (0.4MPa)
Operating Pressure≤0.5 MPa
Chemical StabilityStable to all commonly used buffers: 1 M NaOH, 8 M urea, 6 M guanidine hydrochloride, 70% ethanol. Avoid using oxidizing agents, cationic detergents, and cationic buffers.Stable to all commonly used buffers: 1 M NaOH, 8 M urea, 6 M guanidine hydrochloride, 70% ethanol. Avoid using oxidizing agents, anionic detergents, and anionic buffers.
Storage Conditions4 to 30 °C, 0.2 M NaAc, 20% Ethanol4 to 30 °C, 20% Ethanol
ApplicationThis series of products are suitable for the separation and purification of all charged biological molecules such as proteins, peptides and nucleic acids.

*If the specifications of our products do not meet your requirements, we can also provide you with customized services.

Product Characteristics

  • Fast, simple and convenient.
  • High pressure resistance, high resolution.
  • Wide range of applications.
  • Highly flexible purification process.

If you are interested in our products, please feel free to contact us. Whether you need detailed product information, technical advice, or customized solutions, Alfa Chemistry will do its best to help you.

If the product of interest is not available in our catalog, please contact us to see if there is any relevant stock or other purchase channels.

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