
Precious Metal Recovery Resin


With the increase of industrialization, the demand for precious metals such as gold, silver, and platinum has skyrocketed. However, extracting these precious metals from their ores is not only a costly process but also has a significant impact on the environment. As a result, researchers and scientists have been exploring innovative ways to recover these precious metals from electronic waste and industrial byproducts.

Precious metal recovery resin, as a special type of resin, is now widely used in the precious metal recovery industry. The resin offers a clean and sustainable solution that minimizes the environmental impact while maximizing metal recovery rates.

Mechanism of Action

At present, there are many studies on the recovery of precious metals by ion exchange resin. Different types of resins can be used to recycle precious metals, such as cation exchange resin and anion exchange resin. Their mechanism of action is as follows:

  • Hydrogen ions on the cation exchange resin undergo an ion exchange reaction with the precious metal ions in the solution, thus realizing the adsorption of precious metals.
  • The adsorption of precious metals by anion exchange resins belongs to anion complexation exchange reactions. The resin is protonated in an acidic medium, and the cationic group formed combines with the complex anion of the precious metal by electrostatic attraction between ion pairs to achieve the purpose of adsorption.

Our Products

Precious metal recovery resin is a revolutionary product in the field of precious metal extraction and recovery. As your trusted manufacturer of ion exchange resins, Alfa Chemistry focuses on providing you with the following high-quality precious metal recovery resins:

PMR01 Rhenium Recovery Resin

PMR02 Platinum and Palladium Adsorption Resin

PMR03 Gallium Adsorption Resin

PMR04 Gold Adsorption Resin

Product NamePMR01 Rhenium Recovery Resin
Catalog NumberACIR-SIE047
TypeMacroporous weak base anion exchange resin
MatrixCross-linked polystyrene
Physical FormMoist spherical beads
Ionic FormFree base
Particle Size Range(0.3-1.2 mm)≥95%
Moisture Content40±5%
Total Exchange Capacity1.2 meq/gm
Thermal Stability80 °C
SolubilityInsoluble in all common solvents
ApplicationsAdsorption of rhenium
Suitable for hydrometallurgy
Suitable for precious metal recovery
Product NamePMR02-1 Platinum and Palladium Adsorption ResinPMR02-2 Platinum and Palladium Adsorption Resin
Catalog NumberACIR-SIE048ACIR-SIE049
TypeSelective, chelating resinMacroporous resin
MatrixMacroporous cross-linked polystyreneMacroporous cross-linked polystyrene
Functional GroupIsothiouroniumMethylene thiol
Physical FormMoist spherical beads
Ionic FormChloride
Particle Size Range(0.3-1.2 mm)≥95%
Moisture Content50±3%40±3%
Total Exchange Capacity150g Hg/lit (9.3 lbs /ft3)150g Hg/lit
Thermal Stability80 °C60 °C
SolubilityInsoluble in common solvents
Operating pH Range0-70-14
ApplicationsSuitable for hydrometallurgy
Suitable for precious metal recovery
Selective recovery of precious metal platinum palladium by forming a stable thiolate
Product NamePMR03 Gallium Adsorption Resin
Catalog NumberACIR-SIE050
TypeMacroporous weak acid cation exchange resin
MatrixCross-linked acrylic copolymer
Physical FormMoist spherical beads
Ionic FormHydrogen
Effective Particle Size Range0.55-0.65 mm
Total Exchange Capacity≥1.5 meq/ml
Thermal Stability50 °C
SolubilityInsoluble in any solvent
Operating pH Range0-14
ApplicationsSuitable for hydrometallurgy
Suitable for nuclear power plants
Suitable for precious metal recovery
Product NamePMR04 Gold Adsorption Resin
Catalog Number ACIR-SIE051
TypeStrong base anion exchange resin
MatrixCross-linked polystyrene
Physical FormMoist spherical beads
Ionic FormChloride
Particle Size Range0.3-1.2 mm
Moisture Content54±3%
Total Exchange Capacity1.3 meq/ml
Backwash Settled Density42-44 lbs/ft3 (670-710 g/l)
SolubilityInsoluble in all common solvents
Operating pH Range0-14
ApplicationsSuitable for electroplating, printed circuit board, gold mining and other industries

At Alfa Chemistry, we are dedicated to continuous innovation and improvement. If you have any need, please feel free to contact us.

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