
Heavy Metal Removal Resin


Heavy metal pollution poses significant threats to both environmental and human health. Contaminants like lead, mercury, cadmium, and arsenic are often found in industrial wastewater and can cause severe damage if not adequately treated before discharge. Among the various technologies available for heavy metal removal, ion exchange resins have emerged as a highly effective solution. These resins offer many advantages, including high efficiency, selectivity, and the ability to regenerate and reuse, which make them indispensable tools in the fight against heavy metal pollution.

Main Benefits

The benefits of using ion exchange resins for heavy metal removal are substantial. Firstly, even at low concentrations of heavy metals, these resins exhibit high removal efficiency and excellent selectivity for specific metals. Additionally, the regeneration capability of the resins extends their operational life and reduces waste generation, making them a cost-effective and environmentally friendly option.

Typical Applications

Heavy metal removal resins are widely used in various fields due to their effectiveness. Their typical applications include, but are not limited to:

  • Municipal and industrial water treatment plants often use heavy metal removal resins to remove harmful metals from drinking water and wastewater to ensure safe water quality.
  • Mining activities, especially during the extraction of precious and base metals, will generate wastewater containing high concentrations of heavy metals. Treatment of this wastewater with heavy metal removal resins can effectively prevent soil and water contamination.
  • The electronics industry can use heavy metal removal resins to purify processing water and wastewater, thereby ensuring the quality of electronic components and preventing pollution.

Our Products

Heavy metal removal resins play a crucial role in mitigating the impact of heavy metal pollutants on the environment and even human health. Alfa Chemistry continuously innovates to develop the following two ion exchange resins for efficient heavy metal removal.

HMR01 Macroporous Iminodiacetic Acid Chelating Resin

HMR02 Macroporous Iminodiacetic Acid Chelating Resin

Product NameHMR01 Macroporous Iminodiacetic Acid Chelating Resin
Catalog NumberACIR-SIE052
TypeMacroporous resin
Functional GroupIminodiacetic acid
Physical FormLight yellow opaque spherical beads
Ionic FormSodium form
Particle Size Range(0.315-1.250 mm)≥95%
Total Exchange Capacity≥2.0 eq/l (Na+ form)
Moisture Retention55-65% (Na+ form)
Whole Beads≥96%
Shipping Weight0.7-0.8 g/ml (Na+ form)
Specific Gravity1.15-1.20 g/ml (Na+ form)
Uniformity Coefficient<1.6
ApplicationsHMR01 can be used for the removal of heavy metals such as copper, nickel, cobalt and zinc in the wastewater treatment industry.
Product NameHMR02 Macroporous Iminodiacetic Acid Chelating Resin
Catalog NumberACIR-SIE053
TypeWeakly acidic cation ion exchange resin
MatrixMacroporous cross-linked polystyrene
Functional GroupIminodiacetic acid
Physical FormOpaque spherical beads
Ionic FormSodium form
Particle Size Range0.3-1.2 mm
Total Exchange Capacity2.1 meq/mL (H+ form)
Convert SwellingH+→Na+, 20%
Moisture Content45-50%
SolubilityInsoluble in any solvent
Backwash Settled Density0.72-0.79 g/ml
ApplicationsHMR02 can be used for selective removal of alkaline earth metals and heavy metal cations.

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