
Perfluorinated Sulfonic Acid Ion Selective Membranes,Thickness:400 μm

Catalog Number ACMA-IEM116
Description Perfluorosulfonic acid (PFSA) membrane made by casting method using PFSA resin for most electrolysis or electroplating situations
Application Electrolysis and electroplating in strong oxidizing environment
Burst Strength >0.8 MPa
Characteristics Low anion leakage, low degradation of membrane performance at 80 ℃, strong mechanical strength with ptfe mesh in it.
Packaging Wooden case
pH 0-14 (Running); 0-14 (Cleaning)
Resistance <4.1 Ω·cm2 (0.5 N NaCl)
Size Width≤600 mm
Temperature 25-80 ℃
Thickness 400 μm

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