
PK-reinforced Perfluorinated Cation Exchange Membrane,None Foil

Catalog Number ACMA00062974
Description The membrane is perfluorinated cation exchange membrane - PK-reinforced with low resistance, high mechanical stability, high selectivity and high chemical / oxidative stability.
Application Electrochemical processes requiring cation exchange membranes with high oxidative stability such as water electrolysis, fuel cells, redox-flow batteries etc.
Storage Keep membrane package closed / sealed when unused. Unpack membrane only for direct use and process immediately after opening. Store, handle and process the membrane in a clean and dust-free area.
Backing Foil None
Bubble Point > 3 bar (Test in Water)
Color Form Trans-illuminant, but not fully transparent / yellow to beige
Delivery Form Activated
Elongation At Break 38 - 42
Ionic Form H+ form
Notice For Use The membrane is delivered in H-form and dry form. No additional treatment is required. Membranes will expand and contract based on moisture content. If you have any concerns about storage, chemical stability, and pretreatment please feel free to contact us for further information.
Reinforcement PK
Selectivity > 95% (0.1 / 0.5 mol/kg KCl at T = 25 °C)
Size 10cm x 10cm, 20cm x 30cm
Tensile Strength 33 - 40 MPa
Thickness 85 - 100 micrometers (3.3 - 3.9 mil)
Total Exchange Capacity 1.08 - 1.15 meq/g
Type Cation

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