
Typeii Styrene Series Strongly Basic Anion Exchange Resin

Catalog Number ACMA00046805
Description It is a sort of anion exchange resin that has quaternary ammonium group [N-(CH3)2C2H4OH] in the styrene-diethylene benzene copolymer. It is used mainly to produce pure water with the characteristics such as high regenerated efficient and large exchange capacity and so on, especially suitable for the water resource with high content of salt.
Appearance Flaxen semitransparent spherical grain
Effective Size 0.40-0.70 mm
Ionic Form Cl
Lower Limit Size (<0.315mm)≤1
Moisture Content 36.00-46.00%
Particle Size Range (0.315-1.25mm)≥95
pH Range 1-14
Shipping Weight 0.68-0.76 g/ml
Sphericity After Attrition ≥90
Swelling Upon Complete Conversion ≤15
Temperature Limited 60°C
True Density 1.09-1.16 g/ml
Uniformity Coefficient ≤1.60
Usual Flow Rate 15-30 m/h

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